Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Today is Our Daughter's Anniversary

Today we celebrate the wedding anniversary of our daughter and her husband.

Our daughter was a freshman in college when she announced she was getting married. We hoped that she would earn a college degree before she took the huge step into married life. She knew that we were disappointed, not in her choice of a spouse, but in the choice to get married. Parents' hopes and dreams are not those of their children. Our children must make their own way, walk their own path, and live with their decision. That is exactly what our daughter and her husband have done. They've been responsible, dependable, and committed to each other and to their two children. They expanded our title to grandparents by giving us our first grandchild, a redhead granddaughter when I was 38. That granddaughter has been a joy and a delight and someday I'll write about her. For now, I'll just share this poem that I wrote a number of years ago for our daughter and son-in-law's anniversary.

Math the Hard Way

The long church aisle was the launching pad
she walked two years ago today.
Spectators came to line the way.
Multiplication was viewed in reverse
as two mothers and two fathers
watched the marriage
of their son and their daughter.

Down the aisle on a ribbon of white,
this girl relinquished her solitary life.
At the end of the aisle the groom stood to wait;
He was the bulls-eye in her target of late.
Dressed in satin, lace and silk,
she was a shadow, shroud in a veil;
His body dripped wet
beneath the starched white
and flannel-wool gray.

Two years today; now the white lace has faded to beige.
A redheaded baby wants them to play.
At their wedding she hid quiet under all her mom's array.
Today she won't be ignored; she won't go away.
Four reduced to two, then ultimately one.
This type of math produced Ashly Nicole Dunn.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie, aka Carol

P.S. Thank you everyone for all the nice comments on yesterday's journal.

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