love is a verb

By loveeveryminute


We had a great day. We Went to a neighboring town to vivid friends and let Logan play with their children. They had a blast. Jessica went home from there. Logan, Sarah, and I came home and fixed supper. Poor PapaJ had been replumbing the kitchen sink all day. Again. Maybe it’s fixed now.
Sarah and Logan enjoy a lot of the same foods I do ( veggies!) so it’s fun to cook for them.
We went riding on the side by side. Frank was in the back seat floor when I started. Then suddenly I felt a bump and heard a yelp. My heart sank. Yes, he somehow had gotten out and got bumped by the ATV. My heart absolutely sank. However, he seem fine. He will be stiff and sore, no doubt. I gave him his supplements and one of Bella’s pain pills. He slept all night and seems stiff this morning but is moving and functioning, thankfully.
Be blessed.

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