tempus fugit

By ceridwen


I seem to have taken only a couple of photos today.
One is this handful of hogweed seeds which had become perfectly dessicated on their stalk. Each one is minutely patterned with two and four tiny eyebrow shapes according I think to which way round it is in the seed head.
I was aware that they could be used as a spice and I found an interesting discussion here that compares them to a Persian spice called golpar, similar to cardamom. I shall be experimenting with that. 
NB these are the seeds of Common Hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium, not the toxic Giant Hogweed,Heracleum mantegazzianum. 

Son's family cat Nuzzy (he looks and sounds rather Persian) has been chilling in an animal-free zone of the house while his people are on holiday in France. Today I allowed him to glimpse another member of the feline population, through glass only. He looked outraged, she took no notice. Extra.

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