Porvoossa (in Porvoo)

Today I woke up earlyish because I wanted to go to Porvoo, what happened though was that I ended up leaving later than I wished, but it didn't matter too much. What was my surprise when I realised that one of the guys working in the hostel is from Andalucia in Spain, although his mother is English. He told me he'd been living in Helsinki for the last 10 years. I'm sure his Finnish is better than mine then! :)

It was really cloudy today and the forecast was for rain, but that didn't stop me from going to Porvoo. I'm glad I did because it was a wonderful place. I loved it! And I was so glad that while in Porvoo, it didn't rain! :)

I took tons of pictures again! I have so many pictures to process when I go back home! Anyway, I liked quite a few of them but I thought this one was the one that described the Finnish landscape a bit better.

Tomorrow I have another blipmeet. We're going to Nuuksio, a beautiful natural park. Really looking forward to it!

Thanks very much for your comments and sorry I'm not commenting this days, but I'm trying to make the most of my trip! I'll try and catch up with you when I get back!

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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