Winner Takes All

Searching for a blip along the edge our pond, I heard a squeaking noise that I knew from experience was a frog in a life or death struggle with a serpent. Sure enough, I spotted 'our' Black Racer as it grabbed a Leopard frog. I fought the compulsion to try to save the Leopard Frog, remembering that my place is not to determine the outcome of such natural dramas, only to record them. I didn't intervene.  Snakes swallow their prey as quickly as they can so I only had a few moments to snap as many shots as possible. Upon closer inspection on my screen I realized that the frog had prey of it's own in it's mouth. Most likely a large water spider or maybe even another smaller frog. So...while the frog's attention was on it's meal, it most likely didn't notice the Black Racer's approach. Do check the *extra for a 'before and after'.

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