New carpet

Got all the cleaning done last night and the carpet fitter was very pleased everything was out of the room except for 3 items. It was a good job it wasn't raining as they had to go outside!
There's very little colour choice these days - basically brown or grey (or tartan) - but a greyish-brown/brownish-grey goes okay with what's already in the room.
After they went, and before lunch, Mr Rat papered the low wall under the window. When the opposite wall got done it was left as it was hidden behind a cupboard and I had not long had surgery so we didn't want to move the cupboard. Now we've re-arranged the furniture, though the wall is still not very obvious.
Next all the books to put back but we'll take our time as some can probably go out.
There was an intermission in the afternoon to knit and watch cycling. It's been exciting and the scenery in the Pyrenees is lovely and some of it familiar.
I went for a short run, once I persuaded my watch to work, but the knees weren't keen.

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