Bouquetin (TDM day 3)

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About an hour after setting off this morning from the hut we came over the Col de Jorat. Suddenly, there were marmots on one side of the path and three bouquetin on the other. The marmots were having great fun playing with each other (see extra).

We had left early again this morning (7am) as a storm was forecast later in the day. We almost made it to the hut before the hailstone started but not quite! Luckily there was a building and we were able to take shelter. The hailstones were huge and bounced back off the floor with great force. We arrived at the hut around 4 and it rained/ hailstoned on and off all evening. There are now around 6 groups of people that are staying in the same huts on the tour so it is a friendly atmosphere each evening.

Today was +833 mètres of ascent and 996 mètres of descent.

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