More thistles!

Globe Thistles in the park

Unexpected outing this morning, to the pharmacy! To cut a very long story short, our local pharmacy mucked up the meds that mum needed urgently this morning so an early dash through the park to a different pharmacy; there and back in 30 mins! The local hospice nurse has been brilliant, phoning every day. At last I feel we’re getting some support.

Lots of chatting with neighbours today about the drama in the close last night (another long story, which remains a mystery!). While I was chatting with one next door neighbour, she offered me a ticket to this evening’s performance of Les Misérables in Bristol, with a meal out beforehand, as her husband was too unwell to go. After a lot of deliberation, I reluctantly turned down the invite as it would’ve meant leaving the patients on their own for 7 hours, too long. Real shame, but I was probably too tired anyhow...

A cloudy day of 20 degrees, with thundery showers this afternoon. Thank you for all your recent kind comments, stars and hearts.

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