
CyclopsJnr got our value out of the hotel as usual by having a three course breakfast - a full English, pain au chocolat, and a waffle with Nutella.

The trip was planned around our visit to Yorvik Viking Centre as CyclopsJnr is very keen on Vikings. Luckily it didn't disappoint and we were there a couple of hours. The main draw is a narrated ride around Viking scenes and smells and we liked that so we went twice. CyclopsJnr was thrilled that one of the scenes included a Viking boy playing Hnefatafl which is a Viking board game that CyclopsJnr knows how to play. There was a costumed storyteller in the display area after the ride and CyclopsJnr got involved as he knew several facts about Thor.

Next in the plan was lunch at McDonald's and on the way we both had a horse ride on a carousel.

After lunch we went to DIG which is an archaeology exhibition about the history of York. It was terrific, there was just two kids in our slot and the guide let them touch all sorts of skulls and coins and artefacts then they were given little trowels and brushes and spent half an hour uncovering things hidden in a series of sandpits. CyclopsJnr and the other kid were like minded so they had a good laugh and worked together on the digging.

More wandering, a cake-stop, then a walk along the river where we were interested in a team learning to row.

Finally we went to a world buffet for dinner. CyclopsJnr's choices included two plates of Edamame, and quite a lot of chocolate fountain which is what lured us in.

CyclopsJnr is now in his PJs staying up 'late' watching YouTube from his bed again on the huge TV in our room. He went to sleep about 9pm doing this last night so that seems entirely harmless.

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