Happy Birthday

Day started early when I woke and found several messages on my phone from T. He’d been called by P’s fall alarm as he was on his way home from work about midnight, and went down to the house to find P slumped half out of his chair and stuck. He couldn’t move his arms and was chalky white…poor T feared the worst. He managed to get him up and called an ambulance but there was going to be a 3 hour wait so he decided to just put him in the car and head to Luton hospital. However when they arrived there was a massively long queue so he gave up and drove him to MK where he managed to get him seen straight away. But it was nearly 5am before they admitted him properly and T could go home….just as well he’s used to nighttime working!
We packed up ready for our holiday and took A for breakfast at Snax for her birthday but otherwise put her birthday on hold til we’d driven down to Norfolk.
Most of the way down I was on the phone with people to sort Diesel and find out more info on P. Essentially he’s dehydrated, has a UTI infection and consequently some delirium and severely underweight (not that he’ll eat anything) but is responding well and much brighter than he started off the day.
We arrived at the barn…lovely huge place with full sized billiard table, hot tub, swings and slides, ponies, aga and lots of space. Mt&H and the kids arrived and there was a lot of dashing around exploring.
A wanted hot dogs and birthday cake for supper so that’s what we had (although couldn’t find matches to light the candles!)….and she enjoyed opening her presents and making plans to see Hamilton next week.
What a day!

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