It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

26.3% Waning Gibbous 23rd July 2022

Didnt expect to see it last night as it was cloudy but when I headed to bed about 4 am a quick peek out of the front bedroom window and Voila! It was looking fab so I went back into computer room and got the camera out and got the shot.
I've also entered two more shots into the British Photography Awards so that's 6 now in total. 
Extra is a little project for me for the winter months. I'm getting so into macro I've decided to bite the bullet and get serious and after some research and a lady that lives down the road owning a microscope company I've managed to track down a second hand x 10 Nikon objective. Its made for microscopes but once more learning has occured and maybe some more slightly less expensive purchases I should be able to cobble something together to use this objective.
Its like rocking horse poo to get a good second hand one but my lady knows a man that can track down anything, so he has got me this one and its not a crap one from ebay. Cash was paid and now its mine.
I've also asked her to find out a microscope I can buy that I can attach my cameras to at a later date when I have saved enough money. It'll take me to winter to be able to buy a microscope . 
Anyway it's on hold until I get all my equipment but for now part one has been purchased.


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