
By JanetH

Evening out

Friday 22nd July 2022


A day off but I struggled to get up. When I did, I went into town to the bank (church work) and then the supermarket. While I was in the supermarket my phone went. It was our church hall caretaker. Our phone line had been down all morning and he had spent ages trying to contact BT. When he eventually got through to someone to report a fault they would accept the report as he wasn't the named person on the account. Guess who is!  You can skip to the last paragraph if you don't want to read my little rant.

So, after dropping my shopping off at home I went down to the church hall and started the process again ...

1) Five times of "You are in a queue, the average waiting time is five minutes" then two minutes later getting cut off. Our caretaker had had the same experience this morning.
2) A text attempt to report a fault, seemingly successful until it said "Sorry, we cannot process this report we'll transfer you to an agent ... you are in a queue, the average waiting time is 5mins." Two minutes later cut off. Our caretaker had had the same experience. 
3) We both tried different methods using different contact numbers and choosing different options (not necessarily ones we wanted). Eventually he beat me to it and got through to someone sensible. 
4) I was on the phone an hour and a half with this person - first trying to sort out the fault and eventually getting an engineer booked ... for Tuesday, then trying to sort out an ongoing complaint that has taken us nearly two years of arguing. We finally got there, 

Two hours out of my afternoon. I didn't achieve anything after that. 

In the evening I attended the Chairman's Dinner at the Village Hall. It is part of my duty. It was a lovely meal and it was good company round the table.

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