
By woolyme

Lost and broken

Well today was a very upsetting day for me...

I went to work wearing my amber jewellery. Its a stone I like alot because of its wonderful orange colour (being my favorite colour) but today I very nearly cried.
I went off to Tesco for lunch and when I got back I realised my silver ring had broken and the stone was missing.
I was really upset and emailed everyone in the company saying, look on the floor please, check around you in case its fallen off in the office.
I went back to Tesco and asked if they could keep an eye out for me, if someone handed it in things like that. She said it isnt likely but I will put a note in the book for you.

With that Claire and Sarah went to Tesco. What section did you go into? Biccys Sanis and cereals I said.
Claire came back saying I've got it.
I thought she was kidding, but she wasnt, she really had found it.
So I ran off to Tesco and bought her a bunch of flowers to thank her.
Now its going to the Jewellers.

Thanks Claire you are my best bud ever.

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