
This week will be Young Engineers summer camp which promises 'experiments, investigations, games and Lego'. This camp is held at the senior school campus of CyclopsJnr's school but is nothing to do with the school. CyclopsJnr went to a little kids version of this camp when he was in nursery and has asked to go again - this year we could oblige.

Well CyclopsJnr came home full of stories carrying several bits and pieces that he made and clearly loved his day. The focus today was Mexico and here is a little house they made to do with Frida Kahlo. CyclopsJnr already knows about her so this pleased him.

CyclopsJnr has made a friend there with the same name as him. He reports "I really love him but not the sort of love for getting married". I'm told he is really fun and they have sat together all day.

Weird coincidence is we had planned to watch Coco today, a movie set in Mexico about day of the dead. Very apt with the Mexico theme. We loved it, it was excellent. 

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