Mono Monday. : : Windowpane Check

I hung it in a door because I liked the way the light shone through my all- time favorite shirt. I believe it's the same shirt I'm wearing in my profile picture which means not only is it an old shirt but also that I probably should update my profile picture.

I've been having something something of an existential crisis about my wardrobe, the fact that I seem to have lost the will to go shopping for clothes. It is something I used to enjoy doing and now dread. When I was a little girl I loved dressing up, a pleasure that stuck with me until quite recently. The fact that there aren't any interesting places to shop for women's clothing in this town, and no place to go that requires dressing up,  has something to do with it, but I also don't seem to be able to summon the energy to shop anywhere. This became obvious when Dana kept offering to drive to Corte Madera, a fairly upscale shopping mall in Marin County and I kept making excuses. Somewhat belatedly it dawned on me that I just don't want to do what I used to enjoy doing. 

Dana came up with an interesting solution. She signed me up with an online company that has you fill out a survey with sizes and preferences and then does the shopping for you. They send you a box of items. You try them on 'in the privacy of your home', keep what you want and send the rest back. If you don't keep anything you pay a $20 'stylist fee', otherwise it is subtracted from what you do purchase. I heard an interview with the founder of this company, and she said a lot of women are 'too busy' to look through seven hundred different pairs of jeans in a department store to find the ones that fit well and look good. I can certainly relate to that....I get my first box on August first.

I'm a bit late posting this because our neighbors , the ones who are building their house on a rock pile, invited us over for a tour and a glass of wine. We now have a much better idea of where everything is. They wanted the entire house to be ADA (Americans with Disabilities) compliant with an eye to their old age. They are considerably younger than we are. The whole house is level, and they will have an elevator that goes from the garage/ workshop up three flights of stairs to the main house. The elevator isn't in yet, and it was quite the trek up the unfinished steps.

They do have absolutely stunning views from there.  I still can't quite figure out how the pool is going to work, but it too is elevated to the level of the rest of the house. After our tour we sat at a picnic table outside the RV they are living in, and drank our wine. The enormous garage will hold the  RV once they move into the house. 

No more standing in our living room speculating....but it’s still good theatre…

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