Diwedd y mafon

Diwedd y mafon ~ The end of the raspberries

“There is the satisfaction of being able to look at the image without flinching. There is the pleasure of flinching.”
—Susan Sontag

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Gwnaethon ni golli'r prif gnwd o fafon oherwydd roedden ni'n ar ein gwyliau ac mae'r gweddill wedi dioddef yn yr haul, felly ychydig iawn sydd ar ôl.  Eleni, rydyn ni wedi gadael i'r mieri dyfu ac mae'n edrych fel y byddwn ni'n cael llawer o fwyar duon i bigo yn lle mafon.

Yn y cyfamser mae ein hiechyd i'w weld yn gwella. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio bod y symptomau Covid yn dod ar ddiweddyn mynd.

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We lost the main crop of raspberries because we were on holiday and the rest have suffered in the sun, so there are very few left. This year, we've let the brambles grow and it looks like we'll have lots of blackberries to pick instead of raspberries.

Meanwhile our health seems to be improving. We hope that the Covid symptoms are coming to an end.

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