
Today I had to show our trainee how a filter coffee machine has to be filled.
I felt so old. She had googled it before she asked me. Mr Google obviously wasn't much help.
Afterwards she took a sip and was so excited. So cute. I felt so old again...
The coffee went in the fridge, some colleagues plan iced coffee tomorrow.

A terrible hot day in the office. Temperature in my office room was 29 at 7 am.
And it was impossible to lower it more than 2 degrees all day. It wasn't as hot outside today, but the room has heated up so much, it would not cool off. Open a file cabinet and the heat just flows all over you, like taking a hot air shower.

And then the same at home. Since I wasn't home all day, yesterday's heat was still locked up. I am exhausted today. I'm not 20 anymore.

20:05; 24°C
(and still 27 inside with all windows open)

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