The bridges have names?!

This is Braidburn Valley Park. Recently I've been coming here most mornings for a play before Ann either goes to work or goes to a fitness class. We come here at 7am when it's nice and quiet. If we come any later it's starting to get busy with cyclists whizzing through on their way to work. Why cyclists don't have bells on their bikes we don't know, but that's another RANT!

Anyway, because Ann was going to be very busy today she said, 'Trixie, for your Blip today I'm going to sit you next to an overflowing bin full of poo bags and then I'm going to have a RANT about the council not emptying them.'

The last time we went to the park all the bins were in a disgusting state. They were full to overflowing with poo bags piled on top and lying on the ground beside the bin. Guess what happened?..................... This morning all the bins were empty. Yay!  We're guessing they were emptied at some point yesterday.

We're also guessing that all the bridges were given names yesterday. There's four bridges in Braidburn Valley Park that cross over the burn and they all now have names. Ann's pretty sure that this is a new thing because she's never noticed the names before. To mark the occasion, Ann made me sit next to the sign on 'Cherry Tree Bridge'. It's just a pity that someone has already scrawled some graffiti on it!!!

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