Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A new visitor

I was watching a hummingbird that kept fluttering by when all of a sudden a big shadow swooped into the photo.  The hawk landed on the dead limb which was really close to the other bird feeder.   He or she sat there long enough for me to get the camera out of the camera bag in the other room as it was still packed from our weekend trip.  Luckily the 300mm lens was still on it so I was able to get a few good closeups before it flew off.    

I don't know what it was looking at on the ground but it finally just flew out to the left and was gone.    

Made my day as they are not normally in the yard but we do see them flying overhead.

The vertigo is easing away so I think it was probably something to do with my ear as I suspected.  Using the nasal spray (which the doctor told me to use when I went to her for a different episode previously) seems to have helped.  When I get this stuff it causes my blood pressure to go up which creates other bad head feelings since my blood pressure is usually in the normal range.   But I did get a walk around the yard, watered my flowers and swept the floor in the kitchen area.  Trying to get up and be mobile a little at a time.   

Tomorrow will be a better day!

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