
By Beewriter

Costa del Salford

I arrived home at about 03:30 (it was 05:30 in Turkish time). We were through the airport very quickly, only delayed about ten minutes and most people slept on the way home so the flight was quiet. I had a bit of a lie in and a lazy breakfast before I went to visit Sue J. We sat out in the garden and had a catch up.

I did some shopping on the way home then had a walk down to see Pat. It will be an early night for me. I have had a lovely holiday and I’m sad it is over but it is nice to be home too. I’ll just have to start planning my next one now!

The latest issue of Outdoor Swimmer Magazine popped through my door this morning. I was flicking through it and couldn’t believe it when I turned to the photo competition page…I’d only won last months comp. The theme was British Summertime and I’d entered my pic of Victoria on a lilo in Salford Quays. I’d forgotten all about it so it was a lovely surprise.

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