“Does my beak look big in this?”

Another sharp start this morning, away along the canal with Chloe where we spotted the resident heron. I think it was trying to pretend it wasn’t really there.
Later it was off into Stirling to collect an order. In a nod to the still high Covid numbers, we try to go only if we must and at quiet times. As we walked up from the car park, we spotted a beautiful patch of wild flowers, today’s extra shot, which really lifts an otherwise dull concrete corner.
Back home for lunch and then, while MaggieD did some gardening, I attached the railing at the front door. It has not been painted for quite a few years, but that is now going to change. All rubbed down and undercoated ready for the gloss black tomorrow, assuming the weather holds.
To escape those paint fumes, we later took Chloe to the Falkirk Wheel for a walk; it was very busy and we didn’t tarry long.
Tired but happy this evening.

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