Waiting Area

A day of errands.

This (my only picture of today) shows the waiting room at our local vehicle registration office, which also deals with driving licenses. As it’s mandatory to exchange old, paper licenses for modern machine-readable ones, and the office gets overrun by applications, I asked for an appointment over two months ago, and finally got one for today. Everything went smoothly, and my new license will hopefully be in the mail in a few weeks.

My other plans didn’t go smoothly at all. I went to get some light summer trousers for my mother, but the shop didn’t have them in her size (despite their website having claimed they‘d be  „in stock“). 

So I left for another shop, where I‘d had planned to get a replacement for my rather dated activity tracker. But the one I wanted („in stock“, the website had said…) wasn’t available, and they offered me a choice of either some cheap trackers that were at least as outdated as my own, or top brand smartwatches that cost over 10 times as much. 

So I went home again, to work for the rest of the day.

P.S.: The slogan on the poster in Ukrainian colours translates as „United against war and violence“.

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