Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Eye Update, Excuses & Apologies

Firstly apologies for lack of blipping since my detached retina operation, but here's the latest update and a few excuses for my absence.

The operation at this stage seems to have been a complete success. My check up after nine days was perfect and the gas bubble finally dissipated a couple of days ago. The sight I'm getting I think is as good as it was before although strangely wearing my glasses makes my sight worse, so today I'm heading off for an eye test to see what my prescription is. It's really too early, but my final hospital appointment is not until 19th June and I think a cheap pair of interim glasses would be useful.

The other hopefully temporary by product of the op is the eye is quite sensitive to light so even looking at a computer screen is a bit of a strain, so sorting out my photos from Norway or Longershank's return from Uganda with Diane & Lorenzo (they've been over for ten days and another ten to go) has been getting limited time - but it'll get done and I'll get them up onto blip. I'm quite happy that I let my unbroken three year sequence get broken, I let that happen before the op but I'm not going to desert blip.

I must plead guilty to not being on anyone else's journal since pre-Norway so I trust all is okay with you all!! this was primary because I'm the photo archivist for the Norway trips. I return with a copy of all our photos and then put together a DVD sideshow, but since 2011 I've let this slip. I've got all the photos but not done the DVDs - so returning this year I resolved to get 2011, 12 & 13 sorted before getting blip sorted. I'd done 90% before the op. I struggled with the final 10% but got them finished and posted off yesterday - so no more excuses.

The above was actually composed this morning and now I've returned from the opticians there's a bit more to add. It took a while to convince the optician that getting an eye test this soon after the op was a good idea, in fact I doubt I convinced him, more a case of wearing him down. So primarily due to laziness I'd never actually got a new set of glasses since the cataract op in September 2011 and eventual all clear on 30th May 2012. So we got the right eye sorted first -1.25/-1.75 as opposed to the 0.00/0.00 I'd been using since September 2011, a good result there. Now for the left eye, 17 days after the detached retina op. We started with my old prescription +0.50/-2.50 - dire. We made lots of adjustments but only came up with slightly less dire 0.00/-0.50 - in fact basically the sight I'm currently getting without glasses. Okay, maybe the optician was right, having an eye test this close to the op wasn't a great idea, the eye hasn't recovered enough to give good vision and the recuperative drops I'm taking Dexamethasone 0.1% while being beneficial to the eye aren't beneficial to my sight at present.

I've still gone ahead with the cheap pair of interim glasses. At £25 all in for corrective vision on the right eye and as good as possible on the left it seems a bargain, even if they get thrown away in a couple of months time. So that's my update, apologies and excuses. No promises on when I'll get back up to date, but I will get there.

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