All hands on deck

A pretty good day today - lots of sunshine and no wind. Almost too hot to work outside sometimes - but we're a bunch of wimps up here and wouldn't know hot weather if it turned up!

I was about to reassemble the potting bench inside the greenhouse then realised I didn't have the right size of screws. The screws I took out yesterday were too damaged to use again. Annoyingly I had to drive down to Homebase, which fortunately is only ten minutes away. While I was there I picked out the best of the rather scruffy Tomato 'Gardener's Delight' which were reduced from £4.95 to 50p. Potted up and staked I'm sure it will produce some toms before the summer ends!

Spent the rest of the day putting all the sundries back into the greenhouse and potting up a few plants I was given a couple of weeks ago, including a nice pale yellow Eccremocarpus scaber. Mrs M weeded between the slabs and swept up all the leaves around the front steps. So it really was 'All hands on deck'!

Finished up treating the deck fence with wood preserver and tidying up generally, so yet another 'Same old, same old' Blip! The runner beans in the tub are tubers from last year which overwintered successfully - climate change I suppose.

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