Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

As multi-storey car parks go, I think this one is quite pretty.

I had a bit of a lurch and a wobble today, suddenly feeling very out of my depth and a bit nauseous.
And then I thought, hang on a sec, a company with decades of experience designing replacement roofs can't possibly need to rely on their newest member of staff to design roofs for them. I'm employed to make drawings, not design them, they have to tell me what to draw.
Yes OK the guy who has been training me can design roofs with his eyes closed, and the more I learn the more capable I will become, but right now what they need is someone who is competent with the drawing software, which I am, and to confirm that, this afternoon I drew up a sketchy survey of a school with five interlocking roofs incorporating a great many skylights. I was not ashamed of the drawing I made so I'm feeling more confident. Assuming I test negative by Monday, the CEO is going to sit with me and show me what to draw to make those five existing leaky roofs water-tight.

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