Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Got Milk?

If it wasn't for that bright blue eye, I wouldn't have believed this was the very same Milk who is usually a giant shaggy bundle of crazy.
It's astounding how different she looks, and for the first few seconds when we walked into the coffee shop, it messed with my tiny mind. My eyes processed her as being another dog entirely, and it took a second or two for my brain to catch up with what was really going on.
Her cast is off now and although she can stand up, it is usually only for a hoppity few seconds of frustration. She is clearly annoyed but on the mend, and should be right as rain before she knows it.
It seems that when the cast came off her leg fur was badly matted, and they decided to go the whole hog and shave her entirely. Apparantly this affected her personality, she became shy and reserved and hid away from customers in the corner - almost like a person would without clothes. Once used to her new look though, she soon came around and is now back to her friendly, inquisitive (albeit immobile) self.

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