and through the wire...

By hesscat

Job Done

So gable end 2 is complete, insulated and plasterboarded, with pipe diverted. It only took 8 days to do this one, which is faster than I thought. An extra photo is attached showing the progress.

Although i have a few minor bits to complete, this is effectively the insulation and plasterboarding phase complete, and took me just under 4 years and for some reason I didn't do anything for 3 years of that! Apart from how much effort it took, I am particularly amazed my estimates for insulation (30 x 1.2m x 2.4m) boards and plasterboard (32 x 0.9m x 1.8m) were so accurate, I have 2 insulation boards left and no plasterboard.

I still have to finish a gap in the floor, finalise the eave doors, and a few gaps in the plasterboard to do, then I can fill the attic with boxes and never go in there again! It will be the warmest room in the house though, maybe  when the electricty price hikes come in October we may have to move into it!

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