The Blueberry Season begins!

We were lucky enough to find these at the little natural food, Machias Marketplace. Some for us, some as gifts. These low bush blueberries are so delicious and very good for you. The blueberry barrens will be busy with pickers and trucks filled with harvested berries will be on the roads. August is a very busy month here with the annual Blueberry Festival mid month.

We're packed and ready to leave tomorrow around eleven, we'll be back at Dogcorner by six, back to heat and reality, but we adore Dogcorner too and will adjust. We will be back here in October for a couple of weeks, so that will make leaving a bit easier...maybe.

For the Record,
This day came in with sun, heat and humidity, but a lovely ocean breeze.

All hands and Merry happy.

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