All the greens

I love this building with the shutters faded to softest and variable greens. 

We had a nice slow start and then walked up to the Museum of Modern Art which was in a lovely building half way up the hill.  Owned by a British family in the 1920s who put a view point called La Gloriete above it which we walked up to, in the heat.  

The art was variable but the stories interesting. Matisse and Derain founded a short lived school and invented Fauvism here but it didn’t last then. After that a succession of foreigners arrived and did their thing, including surprisingly Charles-Rennie Mackintosh who left two rather neat water colours rendering the buildings and vines into patterns. Lots of refugees came over from Spain and a German Jewish refugee painter holed up here trying to escape to America but he was denounced, deported and murdered in the camp. We looked long and hard at his abstract paintings, trying to honour him as much as we could. 

Lunch of anchovies and then we swam off the same beach as yesterday.  the sea was fabulous but cracking how to use the sun loungers was impossibly French. 

Dinner at a high end Italian French restaurant, La Mamma with the most spectacular views of an off the charts sunset.  

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