La vida de Annie

By Annie


This little meerkat is taking his lookout duties very seriously, constantly watching for predators while the rest of his family eat and sleep. He's quite safe however, being in a protected outdoor enclosure at Chester Zoo, where I just spent a Practical Photography Day, taking shots of lots of animals under guidance from experts who know everything about Canon cameras, namely I can highly recommend them, as they do not push you to buy new gear (they test it, not sell it) and help you make the best of what you do have, which in my case is pretty modest.

The only drawback was coming home with about 500 shots to look through, and it has taken hours to decide what to post. I settled on this rather cheesy image because I love the little chaps - they have such intelligence in the eyes - so apologies if you'd rather have something a bit less chocolate-boxy. I will definitely be going again soon, to see the animals I didn't get a chance to shoot on this occasion. Really enjoyed today despite the rain, which the animals didn't mind.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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