The Sniffles

By sniffles

A Leeky Day

And I'm not talking about the weather. No, I'm giving Mirreile Guilano's 'Magical Leek Soup Weekend' a go.

The idea is that you make a Leek 'broth', drain the liquid and reserve, and keep the leeks themselves for eating whenever you feel hungry. The liquid you have a cup of every 2 or 3 hours. At the end of Sunday you are allowed a small portion of meat or fish with some steamed vegetables (and possibly a very small glass of wine in my case...oops!).

By Monday morning you will have lost a lot of water being retained in the body (leek is a diuretic) and will feel much happier about being a bit virtuous during the week ahead, until the following weekend where you can indulge again a little in the foods you love.

I'm surprised at how easy today has been, the leeks taste great with some olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper, and the liquid when heated up again has so much lovely flavour. I love leeks!

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