michigan man

By outdoorguy

50 Years of Work

This is going to be a year of fifties. Last Saturday was the 50th class reunion, and next May it will be 50 years of marriage for us,

But, today was a celebration of Lisa being a nurse at the same place for 50 years. Think about that. How many people stay at one place, let alone stay 50 years?

She has held a variety of jobs there, from being a candy striper and a nurse's aide, to a regular floor nurse, and to being the director of nursing. 

I wrote in the group card...To the warmest, kindest, most caring person I have ever known. All true. All attributes which make her a great nurse.

On one hand, she has been lucky to work at the same place for 50 years. On the other hand, they have been lucky to have such a loving person for 50 years. It always works both ways.

Is there an end in sight? She says..."No. Why retire from a job that you love?" I kid her that she is going to just go from being an employee to a patient.

I hope you can tell that I am proud of her.

She even made the local paper with a nice picture and article.

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