Moments in a minor key

By Dcred

The Visitors

Woke this morning to be greeted by Sheep in the garden, phoned the police first, ‘not us mate’ said the boys in blue, next the RSPCA looking for advice, seems animals don’t get into difficulty’s before 9.30am so they don’t answer the phone! Siri to the rescue, a list of local farms, “note ours mate, try Evens up the Hill, “not me says Evens” try Browns on the Moor Road…and so it went on, there was one jolly farms wife who tried very hard and I thank her for the effort but still nobody claimed their livestock.
An hour and a half in and the beasts chewing the rhododendrons decide to up-sticks and trot off toTesco, lord knows if they ever got home in the end.

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