Meanwhile in Vlagtwedde

We received an update from Toby in Vlagtwedde.
He’s doing very well!

Actually, we're not doing that well.
Annemarie has had a cold already for quite a few days already and is not getting any better, and now I'm getting one as well. I feel feverish and have severe headaches. Oh oh. Annemarie, so it seems, is developing a sinus infection.
We can't have that now!!

On top of all that we received the message that my aunt Janny died this morning. Friends of my parents, since their childhood; so I've known her all my life and she (and uncle Joop) felt as family. We knew she was very sick, but still the news that she's now gone, hit me like a bomb.
Next Friday the funeral is planned; so we have to reschedule a bit. We're leaving Denmark a bit sooner than was planned. Not on Thursday morning, but Wednesday afternoon.
That way I can pick up Toby a day earlier; I was supposed to get him Friday, but that's not an option anymore.

We didn't do much today. Except for sneezing and feeling miserable.

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