108 Steps

Macclesfield. We drove from Devon to Cheshire today to stay with my mother in law, near Macclesfield. For our wedding anniversary she presented us with this silk picture of a Macclesfield landmark- the 108 steps up to St Michael and All Angels Church. 2 steps for every year and 8 to spare, but definitely not uphill. There was a thriving silk industry and the town still
has a mill and heritage centre. This silk is unusual as it does not use any coloured silks. Produced in 1973 it is also a much later one. She also gave us a a book on the subject written by a former Macclesfield High School girl, Gillian Birch, which tells the story behind every picture. There are 25. It will remind Jacqui of the occasional hike up to church from Macclesfield High School, and visits to the Cavendish (Cav) coffee bar- they were all the rage in the 1960s but not for Americanos.

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