
When it comes to the Minx, one of the things that you can rely on is that she will have done her research. So, after a leisurely day, involving a couple of swims and not much else, we drove over to Diakopto to visit a restaurant that she liked the look of.

As per the reviews, upon arrival, we were taken into the kitchen to be shown the variety of dishes on offer, and I was immediately seduced by a dish that looked a lot like lasagne.

We haven't got quite the hang of eating late, so the restaurant only began to fill as we were enjoying our meal. People were relaxed and chatting, while small children ran around, and it was all rather lovely.

Upon returning to the village, there was another event on in the square, so we parked up by the church and walked back. At the entrance to the village is a small bar, just set up a little way on the hillside, so we popped in there for a drink (see Extra), and the Minx befriended the owner, Angelina, while I read my book.

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