Today’s The Day

A reasonably early start to the day with a cooked breakfast half of which Joshua ate, half of which he pushed around the plate.

Showered and all dressed in our finery we set off for Forres & Findhorn Parish Church. A beautiful service for close family only was conducted by a South African minister, both Joshua and Tiana looked amazing.

The sun shone, everyone was relaxed enjoying the day and we moved to the reception venue, the hall behind the church. BBQ’s lit, drinks in hand we enjoyed each other’s company celebrating Joshua and Tiana’s day.

Limited speeches, great food, close family and a couple of beers made for a great evening after a fantastic day.

I could wax lyrical about today but it’s not for me to do so, it’s been brilliant and as I sit here at the end of their special day enjoying the comfort of my youngest sons armchair, in his house, drinking his coffee I can reflect on my family. All four of my children with now two daughters-in-law to go with my one son-in-law.
Welcome Tiana, to the Stevens Clan.

I am blessed

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