As good as their word Scottish Power cut off our leccy all day, so an away day for us. 

Nestled between the Forth bridges is our favourite Canadian Diner. Time for a Scottish breakfast skillet. You may think that looks a lot of grub, that was pretty much what was left over! What a feast. Cannot fault it. They do several other exotic skillets too (avocado and Spanish sausage and other such nonsense - a friend reported that they were very good but I couldn't get past black pudding and potato scone) . Eaten here a few times and the food has never disappointed. The tea however – a tea bag in a cup of hottish water! It just isn’t done. Next time I’ll order a pot. The reviews on trip adviser are really polarised, many criticising the service. I loved it when it was a tiny dog friendly diner but I think they may have become a victim of their own success, they have scaled things up and Mrs FP rooted out a potential reason. Talking to a member of staff (I will not reveal Steve’s identity) S**** explained that if the diner isn’t busy they send some staff home, then it gets busy and the remaining staff just can’t cope. An easy issue to fix I think.

Note: The Port Edgar car parking charges are now prohibitive! The first hour is free but after that you need to remortgage. Yet wait! If you use the diner you tap your registration number into a tablet and its all good – free. 

Duly fortified we eventually returned home to await the Scottish Power chain saw jockeys completion of their arboreal adventures. As this blip suggests the more observant among you will have deduced that the wee wheel in our meter is spinning us again towards bankruptcy.

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