Busy, busy

Time to provide an update on the state of the building site. There's a lot of different forms of activity going on there now. There's still pile driving (see the concrete pump up at the top), although there is only one pile driver on the site now. There's also still removal and moving of earth and concrete debris happening. But meanwhile, there has been work to put the services into the site, mainly underneath the new road that will run vertically through this picture, more or less directly opposite the archway on Anderson Place. There are lots of other activities related to laying the foundations for the buildings going on which we cannot identify, such as putting in lots of pipes, and then reburying them. The site sometimes generates quite a lot of dust, but surprisingly little noise disturbance comes across the way.

It was really good to spend a day working at home after quite a long time away. I had a couple of meetings online, but mainly I was able to get on with my own stuff, interspersed with sorting out the ironing, fiddling with the plants on the balcony, and generally settling myself down again. I popped out briefly at lunchtime to pick up one or two things, ascertaining that the path through Stead's Place is now blocked by the building works going on there. I did pick up a tray of coleus plants from the supermarket, to replant the trough in which we had had some (not terribly successful) nasturtiums, which have really suffered in the dry weather. Mr A did largely keep stuff alive during my time away....but I'm not sure he is as enthusiastic a dry weather waterer as I am :-)

Finally, it seems we might eventually be making some progress on our "private project", if I might call it that, after facing a lot of obstacles. There is a way ahead, and there will eventually be a way ahead, but it is still not quite clear what precise route it will follow.

I was too tired to do much after 5pm, so I called an early close, and after an early supper we watched a couple of documentaries on the TV, with my eyes constantly closing. I was hoping that this might herald a good night's sleep that would see the jet lag finally defeated....

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