
By LaLaLaWord

No Paolozzi

Today I had to do shopping in Princes Street, it was a bit like hell. Our city is gearing up for the Edinburgh Festival and is self-important and hysterical today and it is also very hot but I had no choice, those slippers weren't going to buy themselves. I couldn't bear to get a bus and they've changed all the stops this week anyway and I'd no idea where my bus stop might have ventured to, so I walked home. London Road is approaching parched. I'm pretty sure this is where Eduardo Paolozzi's giant foot or possibly giant hand was moved to while they were digging up the top of Leith Walk to insert tram lines. The sculpture is now restored to its usual place but the tram works continue. I can barely remember a time when there were no tram works and we think they might continue in perpetuity.

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