
The last time I was standing in this spot on the summit of Goat Fell, there was no view. It was September 2017 and I was here with Sarah and Luke. We had walked up Glen Rosa to the Saddle and then on to North Goat Fell and then suddenly I was feeling faint and sick and there was slippy scree and thick mist.

Today’s experience was far more pleasant. I went up by the “tourist route”, my first time as we always used to go from Corrie. Lots of other tourists were in front and behind me, lots of families and many children and teenagers. It’s one popular hill! The route is a good one because the summit is in sight for most of the ascent, and the rocky part at the top makes a change from D&G’s grassy slopes.

I was pleased to have a view, even though it was cold and blowy up there. On returning to Lamlash, all was calm and bright… a fine sunny evening. I sat for a while with a beer, watching the gannets diving in the bay, before realising how tired and hungry I was. Time for tea.

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