This is the day

By wrencottage

Two Pretty Ladies

I’m still feeling as though I’m walking through treacle at the moment, and have almost no energy. These days I feel a huge sense of achievement if I just get one item ticked off my daily to do list, whereas normally I’d be going through it at a pace.

It can’t just be the heat, because we’ve had a bit of a breeze today and temperatures are really quite pleasant at the moment. I think it’s to do with the near drought conditions we’re experiencing in the south of England; everywhere feels so arid, colourless and unfamiliar, and I find it quite unnerving.

So it’s another emergency blip, for which I make no apology, because this "Pretty Lady" is my all-time favourite rose bush and it’s just come out in its second, glorious flush of blooms. I’m amazed at how all my roses have coped with this year’s dry conditions, and I’m very, very thankful.

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