
The calm after the storm as the last person walks away from Bradford Parkrun this morning

Great start to the day, great atmosphere, it was Bradford ParkRun's third birthday so there was cake . It almost made me run faster!!! Only one second off my PB pretty chuffed with that as I am full of cold still so not bad going .

Other than that well it's been study. You know the score no need to go into any details not unless you really * want * to know the evidence base behind injectable contraceptions......

My commenting presence on here is inexcusably shit at present. Sorry but there is nothing left in the tank at the end of each day. Have considered typing " great shot " and cutting and pasting on every blip I look at but I think you'd soon suss me out

I'll be back soon , in the meantime please forgive my manners. Feel like I have deserted Blip for some all consuming love affair . Infact intense study is very much like a love affair : minus the romance , the none stop shagging and the arguments over who needs to get up to turn the bathroom light off ...

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