As much as THAT?!?

Rich beyond the dreams of avarice?  
What can I buy with my new-found wealth?

Came back to point out - it's a rise of a WHOLE £13.00 per annum.

IF I still smoked - 
"The cheapest 20 packs will go up by 63p from £9.10 to £9.73 under the move."  Ye GODS! They've more than doubled since I quit.
Making one cigarette now costing = £0.49P to nearest P ≈ about o.5 fag
Slightly less than 1/2 a Mars Bar.
One 1/8 of a standard Cafe Americano if I chose to use Starbuck's.

Double whammy
Any Fireman, at retirement, retires on 1/2 pay.  I retired as a Ldg. Fm.  IF a Firemanperson, (Fighter) retired on the pay of a trainee s/he would be on a pension of about £190 per month MORE than I currently get as a retired Leading Fireman, 1st Round on the Ladder. 
(They're only "Rungs" to civilians)

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