
By GenuineBlip

The Accidental Blip

I have absolutely no recollection of taking this!  In the morning, while talking to  a friend who lives in Washington, I was multi-tasking and looking for my phone. Finally, I interrupted our conversation to say frantically "I can't find it! I can't find my phone!  I just had it!"   Confused, she calmly asks  "Well, where are you? How are you talking to me?"  I stopped searching, pulled my hand away from my ear and looked at what I was holding. After a moment of stunned silence, I started laughing and shouting,    "ohmygod ohmygod  ohmygod I can't believe this ohmygod. ohmyGOD!" perhaps a hundred times!.  I had an appointment at the neighborhood clinic and not wanting to end our bi-annual conversation, kept talking while I walked the few blocks.  (still multi-tasking!)
After spending most of the day processing photos,  I failed to actually take any for my daily blip.  Desperate for something, I checked my phone thinking I'd use one of the elevation profile photos I took for the slideshow project.   Imagine my surprise, when I found this accidental blip...probably taken while I 'hanging up' the phone from conversation with my Washington friend, when I arrived to the medical clinic!

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