
Mr C and I got up early to drive up one of the via Blanca tracks to this little hilltop village. It was small with a piazza and a church and a few narrow streets (pedestrians only). No tourists, just a few friendly locals walking their dogs. The market was being set up outside the church but we’d got back before it got going.

The temperature has been 36 in the shade from 11 and still is so we did the right thing to go early.

Luke arrived from Rome in time for lunch so Ella and Nathaniel were very happy to see him. It’s 12 years since he and #3 daughter got married in Umbria so tonight they are going up to the village for a quick drink together then we’ll all have dinner cooked by #2 daughter.

It’s been a chilled day reading, playing and swimming. I’m going to run out of books.

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