Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Rainbow Chard.

This year I've lost my gardening mo-jo.....but I've taken up,  or rather,  re-started foraging!  Really it's more that I've not given up gardening but I've given up watering!  It is such a task at the allotments as the use of hosepipes was banned some years ago now.  There have never been standpipes to connect to but cattle troughs throughout the site.  My plot is sited between two and means wheelbarrowing 6 watering cans back and forth.  As the site is on a gentle slope we used to lay hosepipes and prime to provide a simple gravity fed flow,  not strong enough to be able to stand up and water but while working a gentle flow could be allowed to soak some crops and also fill up a water butt. Those plot holders with sheds and guttering will have exhausted rainwater gathered in butts long ago as there has been no rain at all in July.  
So it's Rainbow Chard to go with a second day helping of Potatoes Dauphinois.  My neighbour was chopping these down following Monty Don's advice to do so to encourage fresh growth. They were destined for the compost heap and I asked if I could have some.  There's always produce around to be collected from unused abandoned sites and along the hedgerows and people are generous with a glut.
I've always managed with very little and there's almost a nostalgic feeling I have about a return to the "make do and mend" days,  batch cooking of end-of-market-day bulk buys of vegs. etc., buying small and wasting nothing...oh the fun of it!   It'll wear thin when Winter bites I expect!

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