Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Kilcoole Mural

After a swim in near perfect conditions,
I had my walk then drove to Kilcoole to see the Holy Mackerall mural made by my sister-in-law Louise Hogan. It spans about 8 metres and is located at the entrance to the train station on the coast. The mackerel are enamelled and are beautifully coloured and shaped. It’s really great. Please see here (which includes a history of the town which has a colourful and political history).

If you have time, please see this.

There is also emphasis on wildlife preservation in the area.

I had coffee and 2 small sausage rolls for my outdoor breakfast and enjoyed the lovely day.

In extras, there is a pano of the full mural and the parked car gives a sense of scale. Second extra gives overall info on Kilcoole.

I then drove to Kilquade to the quaint church of St. Patrick And lit some candles and had some quiet time.

Then there were ukuleles and tasty market food.

I am now watching Pride & Prejudice with dashing Mr Darcy and gorgeous Ciara Knightly

The weather is perfect in South Dublin /North Wicklow

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