Photos in A Major

By A

A unique way of cracking an egg

James is still eating Easter eggs, however I am not certain the method he uses for cracking them is really all that good!

He did need the energy after we went kite flying at beacon hill on a very windy day. Uncle Cheese And Auntie J (the EG's in blip land) gave James a stunt Kite, however he hasn't really had the right weather to fly it. Yesterday was different, a stiff breeze and away we went. However I realised something about kids and kites, you teach children to yank the string on single line kites to help them get airborne, James was doing the same with the two line control kite. Needless to say I didn't notice initially as my focus was on dodging an out of control stunt kite having just launched it into the air! Thankfully a bit of teamwork between K and me, with K launching and me holding James's hands while he had the controls, and James soon realised he needed small gentle movements! All good Saturday fun!

No blip of dinner this week, but for info James had Chicken and artichoke pizza (homemade dough),

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