Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Giraffe about town

This is one of over 40 giraffes in Edinburgh this summer and it happened to be on my way home home from seeing a play at the Traverse Theatre - which may be the one and only festival show that I see. My friend JM had invited me to be her guest and I enjoyed the play, "Psychodrama" which was a real tour de force by the actress, Emily Bruni, however, I'm not wild about being in large groups of people and it's very difficult to avoid them at the moment.

Going back to the giraffes, they are in aid of Edinburgh Zoo and will be auctioned in October. I've seen a few of them and I have to say that I'm not that keen on them as they are a poor representation of giraffes in my estimation: real giraffes are much more elegant. We've had cows and Oor Wullies in the past so I wonder what we will get next.

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